Monday 4 July 2016

निमिष मात्र मनचक्षुची त्रिविधा

टेडी, डोरेमॉंन आणि मास्क
समोरच्या कचऱ्याच्या गाडीवर, जाता जाता दिसले,  
टेडी-डोरेमॉंन बसलेले , मुक्त झालेले
आता पावसापाण्यात-थंडीवाऱ्यात, शहरभर फिरतील.
उन्हातान्हात , मास्कबरोबर रमतगमत गाडीची साथ करतील.


My search begins when I close my eyes
The search is never ending taking me thousand miles

Thousand miles still more to cross
The journey so far, to and from places in my heart

There's this place never visited, that I search
I believe its present, without its existence

That's the place where I would like to be
A place so quiet like that alone tree

But the address is lost and the way unclear
Its far away but to my heart it still seems near

Small steps, long steps or no steps everyday
To see the glimpse of the darkest ray

Several milestones achieved and several undone
The traveler, the road and the destination is one 

I walk the lonely street 
contemplating ..... 
 to go where and whom to meet 

~ विवेकानंद सामंत.

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